Donate / Get Involved

Thank you for your interest to join BareHope support team! We are looking forward to having you as a part of our mission through your valuable support and donation. Our mission is to actualize a better society where all children in this country are raised in loving homes.

How to Get Involved

  • Distribute Our Newsletters and Brochures to your neighbors

Let’s pass out our newsletters and brochures to your family, friends and communities to share what we do. You can check out the back issues from here by clicking the image caption (#1 2016/2). If you would like to get the latest newsletter by mail, feel free to sign up from here.

*Some contexts, information and data on the newsletters may have been modified because of partial revision of the civil code in 2020.

  • Follow our social medias

Follow our Facebook page, Instagram and Blog to get our updates.

  • Collaborate with us

We have been received requests to give talks and lectures from the governmental offices, Child Guidance Centers, hospitals, infant institutions and corporations to share what we do. We welcome opportunities to work on collaborative projects and events with you. We would provide lecture for free of charge but request our travel expenses.

  • Donate
【Emergency Pregnancy Care】

We strive for zero newborn mortality rate within 24 hours after birth due to abuse and abandonment.
According to Japanese government statistics, from April 2021 to March 2022, 50 children under the age of 17 are killed in this country because of abuse and neglect. Of the 50 children, 24 infants died at the age of 0. Three newborns died within the first 24 hours after birth.

Source:Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare 「子ども虐待による死亡事例の検証結果等について(第19次報告)」

We support girls and women who have unexpected pregnancies. Since we established the crisis pregnancy counseling center in 2014, we have assisted more than 3,460 girls and women. 

Here are demographics of the recipients of our service.

  • Partner’s betrayal
  • Homeless
  • Emergency delivery without any prenatal checkups
  • Rape-related pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy
  • No support from family members because the mother is a survivor of abuse from her family  

Your valuable contributions have great impacts on changing these tragic situations for the better. Our caseworkers assist those girls and women in order them to deliver babies in a safe environment and to live in a stable housing.



Currently, around 42,000 children who are in need of alternative care outside of their own home are living in foster homes or in institutions in Japan. The United Nations Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children say a child should be raised in a home not in a large institution. In other countries such as the USA and the UK more than 50% of children are placed in foster families. Yet in Japan, only 20% of children are placed in foster or adoptive families. That is one of the reasons Bare Hope was founded to realize a society where every single child in this country is raised at home. Bare Hope has been working on collaborative projects on adoption with governmental offices for years to develop a new framework of social work for children.


Source:Children and families agency, Government of Japan 「社会的養育の推進に向けて(令和4年3月31日)」
【Training for Prospective Adoptive Parents】

It may not be common for some couples in Japan to welcome a nonbiological child to their home as their own child. On the other hand, there are couples who contact us because they learned about many children who need families in this country. Our staff is made up of various professionals: counselors, social workers, midwives and nutritionists. We offer assistance to every couple so that they get through challenges in adoption process in financial, cultural and social aspects such as negotiating with the HR unit in their workplace to take a childcare leave, talking with their relatives who are against adoption, and assisting their home to be safe environment to place a child.


【Financial Support for Adopted Children with Special Needs】

In Japan, there are many children living in institution because their parents gave up their parenting because of  their illness or disability. To protest the Rights of the Children which is to be raised at home just like any children, we look for an adoptive parent for them if we find it impossible to place them with their relatives. Children with special needs often require constant medical treatments and long-term checkups. Your donations are used for covering their medical fees to lessen adoptive parents’ financial burdens. As of now, the amount of Bare Hope’s support fund for adopted children with special needs has reached approximately 31 million yen in total covered by your donations and governmental subsidies.


【Support for Adoptive Families】

It is necessary to build a collaborative relationship with adoptive families and to keep it last in order to assist them in timely manner when they have concerns and challenges regarding adoption. We provide assistance not only to adoptive parents and children but also provide trainings and seminars at facilities that any families have contact with such as schools, hospitals and workplaces to promote an understanding of adoption. Promoting public awareness is one of our most significant activities.

In Japanse form, you can choose donation frequency: monthly giving, annually giving or one time gift. In English form, you have one time gift option only.

 Donate via Bank Transfer

Bank Details
Touza (Checking Account)
Account Number: 019-0419253